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A member registered Oct 21, 2022

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Ok so. The game is pretty fun, the main story while predictable does keep you interested. But I just have to say that the main character is just not likeable, not only does he come off as a creep most of the time but he is rewarded for it.
In addition painting nazis as "not very racist" was just tasteless and not funny at all, and I'll be honest it says quite a lot about the person who wrote that dialog.

Ok so first of all I want to state that I know that there has been a lot of work put behind this game.
Nevertheless I would like to say that there are a lot of off-putting situations. This feels like a distorted version of the world as seen by someone who does not participate in a lot of social interactions. Some of the situations depicted here are also on the borderline of being creepy, mostly because there's a tone of "grooming" in some of decisions.
Anyway, that's just my two cents on the matter.

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